This past Saturday, I was walking home from the grocery store, when the skies decided to open up and I was caught in the rain without an umbrella.  I was miserable and cold, then our of nowhere a kind-hearted stranger came to my rescue. She appeared like an angel, offering me the shelter of her umbrella and accompanying me all the way to my doorstep. I didn’t catch her name, but I found this card with my groceries.   I do hope she comes here so she will know just how much her act of kindness meant to me. It was a beacon of hope in a gloomy world, a reminder of the goodness that still exists. 

Thank you to the gentleman who helped me when I spilled my coffee yesterday.  That small act of kindness truly turned my day around. Your gesture meant the world to me, and I hope you see this message. Thank you for lending a hand when I needed it most; you've inspired me to always be ready and look for ways to pay it forward. 


Thank you a million times over to the young lady who helped me catch my puppy.  You most likely saved his life by catching him before he ran out onto the busy highway.  It would have killed me to have lost my baby.  I wish there was a way to repay you for this.  I will do like you said and pay it forward every chance I can.  Much love and gratitude - Kim

Thank you to whoever left the kind message and flowers on my car.  You'll never know how much that meant to me! 

All I can say is my hope in humanity is restored.  Thank you to the kind soul who took the time to leave me the note letting me know that I am seen.  Also thank you to whoever has organized this movement.  This is one pandemic I will definitely do my part to spread! -  James

After our hotel scheduled us on a shuttle to the airport an hour earlier than we requested, they then told us there wasn't room on the one we actually requested and needed. A very kind couple overheard us talking to the hotel receptionist, and came up to us and told us they had just ordered an Uber and offered for us to ride with them. This was so kind of them and very much appreciated. 


To the man who helped me with my flat tire last week, I want you to know that your kind act and encouraging words literally saved my life.  I've lost everything over the last year. My home, my family, my friends, my job, and my dignity.  I finally received a job that was going to help me get back on my feet.  I was on my way to my first day when my tire blew out.  That was the final straw for me.  I was going to end it all, but then you came along and opened my eyes without even knowing it.  I may never even know your name, but I hope you come here and see this and know that your kindness and subtle encouragement was a turning point for me. It reignited my hope and determination and I want you to know that I am taking the steps needed to turn my life around!  It will be a long road, but I will make it, and I will follow your lead and help make the world a kinder place.